Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ready To Fly:10th Anniversary

It's hard to believe ten years ago I released a song called "Ready To Fly", with a Gospel Quartet called The King's River Boys. The King's River Boy's members at the time consisted of:

Ralph Payne - Bass
Tony Byrd - Baritone
Bobby Vaughn - Tenor
Trevor Haley - Lead/Keyboard

The tracks were recordedat Oak Valley Sound in Nov. 2011. We had some great musicians on this project, that gave it a country flair I hadn't really expected. That's the Nashville Sound!

Piano: Gary Prim
Bass Guitar: David Smith
Lead Guitar: Kelly Back
Harmonica: Mike Douchette
Rythm Guitar/Banjo: Bruce Watkins
Drums: Jerry Kroon

What a fun time we had!


  1. I think this is the album I've been looking for for years! My late grandpa brought us a tape once but I've never been able to find it. How can I get a copy? Or do you have it on cd now?

    1. Bradley:
      Unfortunately, it's not available on CD anymore. The project came out in 2002 and was never reprinted. I'll try to share more music on YouTube for you to enjoy!
